Attention TORRINGTON Ladies: Looking for a different reason to get in the best shape of your life? |
Finally… Here’s The Perfect Solution If You Want To Fit Into That Little Black Dress In The Next 28 Days Without Having To Resort To Hours Of Boring Cardio And Depriving Yourself Of Real Food
(Even If You Are A Complete Beginner)
Registration Ends
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So many women that I talk to have settled for answering ‘yes’ to at least one of those questions above.
They’ve slowly drifted away from sexy and confident to a point where they’ve given up hope of ever looking good enough and getting back into a dress that makes them feel beautiful and draws compliments and double takes.
What’s even WORSE is that so many women who do desire to pull it off and wear a more fitting dress on that special occasion end up resorting to extreme diets, cleanses and workouts that leave them disappointed and they end up simply giving up on ever looking and feeling sexy again.
Do You Have A Little Black Dress… |
… that sits in the back of your closet? You may not even have it in your closet yet but you see it every time you go shopping for clothes. You know exactly what black dress that I’m talking about, the one that you would wear to a cocktail party or a night out with friends.
You tell yourself that you’ll wear it out… once you have a place to go to and (gulp), truth be told, maybe when you feel like you’ve lost a bit of the muffin top. I personally call it a cupcake top … makes me feel better.
Instead you wait. You go to those parties or nights out and wear something else, then you see some other woman wearing that little black dress… and she looks good, real good, and you can’t get that out of your mind.
After that you get that fire lit under your rear and you go to the gym swearing that you’ll drop a few pounds. You then begin to eat like a rabbit living on only salads, yogurt and a few of those 100 calorie snack packs; but after a week or two and the scale not budging you say “to hell with it” and end up going on a bender that leaves you in a carb coma waking up with a food hangover.
Frustrating? You bet and I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault.
A lot of women struggle with dropping a few sizes without feeling so deprived and frustrated wondering if they are doing the right thing because there is so much conflicting information out there.
If you can relate to that problem, we have the solution for you.
TORRINGTON’S Little Black Dress Challenge |
Here at MISSFITS BOOT CAMP – LITCHFIELD COUNTY’S TOP Transformation Specialist, we help women between 25-65 get in the best shape of their lives by building them an individual customized plan, based on proven systems, to get them results they want as quickly and safely as possible.
We especially have a little soft spot for those that want to fit into that cocktail dress without feeling so overworked and deprived; hence why we developed this program.
Imagine what it would be like to see results each week, to feel stronger and leaner as your ‘big’ clothes don’t even fit as they slide off your hips and your friends are always asking you…
“You look amazing! What have you been doing?”
Think of how good it will feel to not only be able to fit into that little black dress but how you won’t feel self-conscious wearing it while you’re out and maybe even show up that women you saw wearing it last time. Oh, don’t act like that thought never went through your head. I won’t tell anyone.
With the Little Black Dress Project you’ll feel healthier, fitter, and more tone than you have in years, or even ever! You’ll be able to enjoy that glass of wine without feeling guilty, you will not have to constantly suck in, you can sit down without doing the dreaded shirt pull from your body.
Plus it won’t even have to stop there; you’ll finally have the motivation and momentum to keep moving forward to other goals that have been lurking in the back of your mind. Remember that bathing suit you wanted? (hint hint!)
Those are just SOME experiences women, like you, have ALL the time; so why shouldn’t you?
Here Are The Real Benefits |
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- Confidence that you are doing the exercises your body needs to be doing, safely and correctly, because sometimes you’ve always wondered if you were doing them right in the first place.
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- Excitement of doing things you never thought you could do PAIN FREE; such as squatting for great legs with out your knees hurting… ever. Or even ab work without your low back hurting.
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- Results each week whether it’s your pants getting looser or the weights feeling easier, each week there is always something new that you’ll experience and keep you excited for the next workout.
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- Support every step of the way because your NOT ALONE and this won’t be a lonely journey, you’ll be surrounded by others that have done, and are going through what you’re going though.
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- Motivation that keeps you grounded and not falling off the wagon even after those long days with an angry boss, traffic jams and kids (or a boyfriend/husband, they are about the same thing).
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Real Results of Women- Just Like You
Those are just SOME experiences women, like you, have ALL the time; so why shouldn’t you?
Party Season Is Fast Approaching… |
With office parties, family dinners and festive gatherings with friends and family coming up before you know it, party dress season is closing in fast.
It’s Little Black Dress time!
Are you ready?
Are you ready to look and feel fabulous in your Little Black Dress without limiting yourself to sips of water and shrimp cocktail?
Are you comfortable leaving the Spanx in the dresser drawer?
Are you counting the days until you get the chance to rock that Little Black Dress and soak up the compliments you receive?
If the answer is ‘NO’ …or even if you’re not sure…don’t worry.
I can help you turn that ‘NO’ into a ‘YES’…Fast!
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Feel FABULOUS, Look AMAZING, and Have the Confidence to ROCK that Little Black Dress!
I’ve developed a workout system specifically designed to get you ‘Little Black Dress’ Ready and do it more quickly than you ever thought possible.
After years of trial and error I hit upon the perfect program to improve every part of your body that is highlighted when wearing your Little Black Dress.
With this workout system any woman can create shapely shoulders for the perfect halter, firm arms for that beautiful strapless, or sculpted legs for the stylish mini.
And I’ve sequenced these workouts to specifically focus on tightening and defining where it counts along with eliminating the stubborn body fat that tends to take up residence on the thighs, butt, triceps, and tummy.
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I’ve Put Everything You Need To Look Fabulous In Your Little Black Dress Into A Step-By-Step Workout Blueprint
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- 4 Weeks of 45-Minute Workouts (that’s UNLIMITED WORKOUTS) in our Signature Group Personal Training System – providing you with expert guidance and coaching to workout safely and effectively.
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- A Complete, Step-by-Step Little Black Dress Success Manual – so you can learn the proven methods to not only comfortably GET IN YOUR LITTLE BLACK DRESS but maintain your results.
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- A Registered Dietitian Approved – Little Black Dress 28 Day Meal Guideline – complete with a done-for-you, Print and Go Grocery List – so you can make shopping Quick and Easy.
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- The Little Black Dress Recipe Book – so you can have 28 days of delicious and easy to prepare recipes on hand and ready to go.
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- The Daily Dose – our daily morning inspirational emails to keep you on track with your goals.
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- Access to our Private Little Black Dress Project Facebook Group – where you can share comments and ask questions within a group of like minded persons and provide you with the accountability and support you want.
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- And a few other things we have cooked up for you!
The only “catch” is… to get ready to look YOUR BEST in your Little Black Dress … you have to decide now to make it happen.
If you’re ready for this, then I’m going to make it easy for you to look better than ever this Party Season…
So let me give you the details about how you can get started…
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Saturday, November 17th 11:59pm.
Kick Off Date: The Little Black Dress Project 2.0 will begin on Saturday, November 24th at our Kick Off Open House at 1PM, hosted at MissFits Boot Camp, 160 Winsted Rd in Torrington.
Our Weekly Schedule:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
5:45am / 7:00am / 8:15am / 9:30am / 3:30pm / 5:00pm / 6:30pm / 7:45pm (except Friday)
Tuesday / Thursday
5:45am / 7:00am / 9:30am / 3:30pm / 5:00pm / 6:30pm/ 7:45pm
8:30am / 10:00am
End Date: The 28-Day Little Black Dress Project will end Sunday, December 23rd.
Your Next Step: If you’re ready to be LOOK YOUR BEST in your Little Black Dress – then our 28 Day The Little Black Dress Project is for you! To get started, simply click Apply Now button below and reserve your spot!
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Edward A. Patterson – Head Coach
Get started right now, RISK-FREE.P.S. – You have my Iron-Clad, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. You can complete the entire 30 Day Little Black Dress Project, and if you don’t get the results you were looking for, I’ll give you your entire investment back.