Charlotte Hungerford Hospital and MissFits BootCamp Team Up
This year The Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Rehabilitation Department has partnered with MissFits Boot Camp to host their 2018 High School Summer Conditioning Camp. The Camp will be held on Wednesdays from 11am-12pm. Dates are as follows:
July 11th, 18th, 25th, & August 1st, 8th, and 15th
Regarding the team up, “The key to success in athletics is participating in a broad range of activities and hard work in the off-season. A specialized blend of exercises will improve performance and instill a solid exercise foundation in those who attend. With that, I’m proud to announce that our venue this year will be at MissFits Boot Camp,” said CHH Athletic Program Director Amanda Hill.
MissFits Boot Camp employs cutting-edge functional fitness tools and programming designed to improve fitness and performance across the entire spectrum of potentiality. Everything gets better! The Workout, which changes weekly, is a total body metabolic strength, cardio, and core conditioning workout using programming designed to improve strength, power, speed, agility, stamina, coordination, endurance. Check out the pictures taken at the sample workout provided to interested students.
Each session will be conducted by a Nationally Certified Athletic Trainer from Charlotte Hungerford Hospital along with Staff Members from MissFits Boot Camp. Beginners, as well as athletes, are encouraged and welcome to attend. Sessions are conducted in a group manner with Trainers focusing on making sure students are working at their correct ability level in an encouraging manner. Student movement skills are constantly being assessed and every student is trained on an individual basis while maintaining a team atmosphere.
Additionally, other various state-of-the-art technologies are employed. One such system is the PerformanceIQ System which provides for Real Time Heart Rate Variability Training. This is just one tool in the ample tool box that MissFits makes use of. Basically, Students will experience the latest and greatest in fitness innovation.

Take a peek at the videos below taken from the sample workout we provided to see how the orientation works as well as what the workout is like. This was the first time these students performed many of these exercise variations and they did awesome! Attendees can expect to learn more about fitness, strength, conditioning, movement, as well as health matters, than they ever have before.
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The Cost is $60 and Spots are Reserved on a First Come First Served Basis!
In other words, Space is Limited, so it is recommended that you reserve your student’s spot now!
6 Weeks on Wednesdays at 11-12: July 11th, 18th, 25th, August 1st, 8th, and 15th
It’s Time to Rise!
Begin by submitting the Required Information in the Form below. Submit and then click DOWNLOAD to print the required forms.
Registration Forms must be filled out and brought with the student to the first session for admittance.
– NO EXCEPTIONS – Students can NOT participate if paperwork is not completed and submitted the first day of Camp.
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